Specialised Commercial Relocations

Perth Business Relocations have a great deal of experience in relocations for specialised organisations, such as:

  • Libraries 
  • Schools, Universities and Colleges 
  • Hospitals


It’s not surprising that the relocation of libraries takes a great deal of organisation and care to ensure all files and archives stay in order. Perth Business Relocations has experience in moving both public and private libraries and works closely with the head librarian and other staff to ensure all books are packed and unpacked in the correct format.  This work also includes, where required, relocating shelving units.

We have specialised library trolleys and unique cataloguing systems to assist with these moves and have systems in place to ensure any books can be retrieved at a moment’s notice if need be.   

Library moves require sequential packing techniques to ensure all books and documents stay in order ready for unpacking at the new location.

Our team has extensive experience in moving libraries, most recently for Allen & Overy, a law firm who required their whole library to be relocated to a new site.

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Schools, Colleges and universities are governed by a strict educational calendar, so we understand that any relocations in these facilities need to be undertaken with great efficiency and care.  Our team is highly experienced in project managing complex moves and has various systems to ensure all educational materials can be labelled and secured appropriately so that items can be recovered in the process of a move if needed.

Perth Business Relocations is experienced in moving educational facilities to whole new locations, as well as simply moving classrooms within school grounds.  We also have experience moving dormitories and other boarding school accommodations.

Moves for educational facilities we have recently undertaken include:

  • Curtin University
  • Edith Cowen University
  • University of Notre Dame
PBR TRuck 5 Curtin


Hospitals often require lots of internal moves, including when they move offices, or are renovating an area and need all furniture and equipment to be moved out of a space then brought back in when the renovations are complete. 

Perth Business Relocations has recently undertaken a lot of work for St John of God hospital in Subiaco during their ongoing renovations.